
A Simple Guide to Teaching Yourself Computer Programming

Learning to program is similar to learning a new sport. You can't just go out and start learning how to code. It, like any other skill, takes time and practice. Learning computer programming may be a rewarding experience, even if it is not simple. Once you've mastered it, it can open up a whole new universe of possibilities. So, if you're ready to learn how to code, this guide will get you started.

What Exactly Is Programming?

The act of developing and running instructions for a computer to understand is known as programming. Each line of code instructs a computer on what and how to perform something.

What You Should Know Before You Begin Programming

Before you begin, you should grasp the fundamentals, such as how to build a program and what programming languages are. You should also think about your existing degree of technical knowledge and the programming language you want to learn. This will assist you in deciding what to learn initially.

Select a Programming Language

When learning to program, it is critical to initially select a language. On Wikipedia, you can discover a list of popular languages (check out the "List of programming language families" section). Choosing the correct programming language is critical since it will influence the type of environment in which you operate. For example, if you wish to work on both Windows and Mac, C++ is generally not the best choice.

Setup a Text Editor

The first step is to download and install a text editor. A text editor is an application that lets you write code without having to worry about formatting. It will automatically format the code and convert it into something that the compiler can use. There are a lot of editors out there, but I highly recommend using Atom as your text editor. Atom is free, open-source, and cross-platform. It can be installed on Windows or Mac computers easily.

Learn the Fundamentals of Computer Programming

To learn how to code, you must first understand the fundamentals. Before you begin, you need become acquainted with a variety of vocabulary and concepts. Before you begin, you should become acquainted with a few basic computer programming words. These are some examples:

• Operating system: the software that oversees the hardware and resources of your computer.

• Processor: This is the core processing unit that handles all of your data and executes commands.

• Memory: any place for storing programs or data—RAM and hard drives are both types of memory.

• Input/output (I/O): data fed into or extracted from a device.

Learn HTML and CSS.

To get started, you'll need to learn two languages: HTML and CSS. HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, is the foundation of the internet. It is what makes up all of the text documents and webpages you see, and it is what tells your browser how to layout those pages. Simply explained, HTML is the language you use to structure your website. CSS, on the other hand, is the language that governs how items on a web page will appear. CSS, as opposed to HTML, controls the appearance of everything on a webpage, from fonts and colors to spacing and borders. However, while learning to program for the first time, it might be difficult to know where to begin.That's why we recommend starting with HTML and CSS first.

Learn JavaScript.

JavaScript is frequently the first programming language that a newcomer learns. It's a wonderful place to start because it's similar to other languages. It won't be long before you're at ease with JavaScript, which will lead you to more advanced languages and web frameworks.

Learn Python.

Python is the most simple programming language to learn. It's simple, adaptable, and comes with a number of tools to help you get started quickly. This tutorial will walk you through the steps of teaching yourself Python.

Learn Ruby on Rails.

As a popular programming language, many developers prefer Ruby on Rails. Ruby on Rails is simple to learn and implement. It also has an active community and is supported by a large corporation, so it's a wonderful location to work.

Learn the Basics of SQL

SQL is one of the most important languages for any developer to understand. It is critical to understand SQL because if you want to create a database in any language, you must first learn how to create tables and queries in SQL.

You can probably see that programming is a huge and sophisticated field by now. It is not as easy as remembering a few lines of code. But don't let that deter you from learning to code. The more you work with it, the more powerful you'll find it can be. And the more you discover, the easier it will be to understand what's going on behind the scenes. So, if you're considering studying programming, don't put it off any longer. Begin right now!

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